About GOV.UK One Login

GOV.UK One Login lets your users sign in and prove their identity so they can access your service quickly and easily.

It will ultimately allow users to access any government service using the same email address and password, and also only need to prove their identity once.

Why use GOV.UK One Login

Using GOV.UK One Login means:

  • you will not need to build and maintain your own sign in and identity checking systems
  • you save money as GOV.UK One Login is centrally funded and free for government services to use
  • a reduction in fraud thanks to our dedicated fraud prevention team and the built in protection provided by our GPG45 compliant systems
  • improved accessibility, as GOV.UK One Login is based on common, accessible components from the GOV.UK Design System

Who can use GOV.UK One Login

GOV.UK One Login is currently available to all central government departments and agencies.

Other organisations may also be able to use GOV.UK One Login. Get in touch and we’ll have a chat to find out more about your service.

What GOV.UK One Login offers

Users can sign in

Users can sign in to your service using GOV.UK One Login, with their username, password and two-factor authentication.

You can add this sign in functionality into your service on its own. You do not have to use the identity checks functionality if you do not need it.

Find out more about signing users in.

Users can prove their identity

Users can prove their identity so you know they are who they say they are.

If you want to add identity checks, you must also use GOV.UK One Login to sign in your users.

Find out more about checking users’ identities

Try GOV.UK One Login

You can:

Also, read our technical documentation and design recommendations to find out more about how GOV.UK One Login works.


Support for your service is available during office hours using our support form or Slack channel. Our technical team is also available 24/7 for urgent incidents.

How to start using GOV.UK One Login

If you think GOV.UK One Login might be right for your service, register your interest.

We’ll contact you within 5 days to find out more about what your service needs.